Wednesday, August 06, 2014

The Anti-Encouragement

While perusing my sports stories I came upon this article on
I'm not going to lie.  I'm skeptical that this kid is going to make it through the season without a major injury.  But I digress.
Most disturbing is this quote:
"I told him the only thing I need him to do is manage the offense," Strong said. "I don't need you to be a great player; just play within yourself."
Geesh, Coach strong, you might think it, but don't say it.  It sounded a lot like the disturbing pre-game talk Mack Brown gave to Case McCoy last year before the Texas/Oklahoma game.  I looked everywhere for the quote, and can't find it.  It was basically: "Don't be a hero.  Just don't mess it up."
Of course, to this, Case McCoy had the best response ever.
"This is a game that I could be remembered for the rest of my life. I'm preparing and [practicing] for a game I'll be remembered for forever."
And a game to remember forever it was.
For weeks, even after the infamous OU game, the Longhorns had been touted as the underdogs, and when asked why, Case was pretty upfront.


  1. Charlie Strong is from the Lou Holtz school of motivation: he will always lower expectations before building his team up. Seems to have worked well so far.

    1. I hope you're right....and hopefully Ash's ego isn't as delicate as the rest of him...
