Monday, March 28, 2011


Don't let the title mislead you.  I am not appropriate as a football player. 

I can barely remember the fax number at work, let alone intricate plays and routes.  I have a hard time remembering what beats what in poker, so I'm sure those giant play calling posters that mean different things at different angles when different people are holding them would not work for me. Calling audibles?  Not my thing.  I'm about as stubborn as they come and would find unplanned changes at the line of scrimmage about as welcome as a missed period.

Let's not even get into the physical aspect.  If you've so much as laid eyes on me, you know I am likely to run only when I am volleying for the last Miller Light or being chased by a murderer.  Not to mention I would likely injur myself trying to get into my uniform and would never make it to the field in one piece.

But I am (some might say) a football girl. I have a team I love.  I know their history, I stalk their players.  I email their coaches and attend all their games. Some may call me a fanatic, but we all know there was never a fanatic who didn't start out as a fan!

Being a lady football fan has it's perks.  Being a lady football fanatic has it's hilarity.  I thought it was time to share with the world some of my Adventures as a Football Girl....

DISCLAIMER:  The stories are all true but the details are fuzzy.  These are my I chose to remember them.

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