Monday, July 28, 2014

The Little Future Sooner

You little future Sooners.  So tough and adorable with your smack talk.  
At least Texas fans know how to use proper grammar, such as apostrophes and capitalized letters. 
Kid, I'm happy for you that you can kick a 66-yard field goal.  At practice...with no interference. 
I'm also happy that Texas has had a player do better than that in an actual game...67 yards.  In fact it's the current NCAA record for the longest field goal. 


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Article

My mom sent me this article to read about TCU which I am not going to lie, I really enjoyed.  I'll follow up when we get some responses from GOG (Good 'ol Gary).  For now, just enjoy:

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

The Comparison

This Barking Carnival article comparing the (2nd) LeBron James Decision to the Big XII Conference Realignment is maybe my favorite thing related to LeBron James.

Except for this commercial:


The Rules

“I don’t want to talk about things. I’d rather do things. We just talked. Now it’s time to do."
Charlie Strong - Head Coach, The University of Texas
I realize this is old news but I've been thinking about football season and getting excited about our new coach.  I asked The Googler to find me the new "rules" that Coach Strong smacked down in January.  I got excited again just reading them.

Players will attend all of their classes and sit in the front two rows of all of their classes. GAs, academic folks, position coaches will be checking constantly now.  

No headphones in class. No texting in class. Sit up and take notes. 

A-wicka-wicka-wicka-wicka-wicka-NO FUN!
If a player misses a class, he runs until it hurts. If he misses two classes, his entire position unit runs. If he misses three, the position coach runs. The position coaches don't want to run.

No earrings in the football building. No drugs. No stealing. No guns. Treat women with respect.

Players may not live off campus anymore, unless they're a senior who hits certain academic standards. The University will buy out the leases for every player currently living off campus and put them in the athletic dorm.

The team will all live together, eat together, suffer together, and hang out together. They will become a true team and learn to impose accountability on each other. The cliques are over.

There's no time for a rebuild. "I don't have time for that." The expectation is that Texas wins now.

Players will learn that they would rather practice than milk a minor injury.

The focus is on winning and graduating. Anything extraneous to that is a distraction and will be stamped out or removed.

I'm curious to see, come football season how and if these rules are enforced.   And if we'll hear about any violations and the subsequent punishments. 

But for now, a slow clap for you, Coach Strong.